Using command line parameters

You can use command line parameters in order to automatize your work. Each parameter is a correspondent of an option or command in the program.

/dir <directory> It is the same with pressing the 'Add all files coming from a specific directory'. This parameter will add all files that Mega Player can read from <directory>.
/random It is the same with the 'Random' option. This parameter will make Mega Player play randomly the items from the play list
/continuous It is the same with the 'Continuous' option. This parameter will make Mega Player play the list over and over again.
/play This parameter will make Mega Player play the current play list (it should be user with /dir, /file or /open)
/delay <interval> It is the same with the 'Delay' option. <interval> is the number of seconds a picture will stay on screen.
/fit It is the same with the 'Fit picture' option. It will fit picture to the screen.
/minimize Minimizes Mega Player.
/open <file> Opens an '.mpl' file (Mega Player play list)
/file <file> Adds <file> to the play list
/quit Mega Player closes after playing the play list. The same with adding a 'quit' mark at the end of the play list
/stretch It is the same with the 'Stretch' option. If the image is bigger than the screen it is stretched to fit into the screen.
/recurse It is the same with the 'Recurse subdirectories' option.
/randomize Ranomizes items from a play list

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