Adding files to a play list

Adding all multimedia files from a folder

Removing all multimedia files from a folder

Adding one file to the play list

Removing one file from the play list

Adding all multimedia files from a folder

You can add all the files that Mega Player can play from a folder and even from all its subfolders. Click the 'Add all files in a specified directory' button. Choose the folder you want to add and then click the 'OK' button. Mega Player will add all the files from that folder that can be played.


Removing all multimedia files from a folder

You can remove all files from a list that are in a specified folder. Click the 'Remove all files coming from a specified directory' button. Choose the folder you want and then click the 'OK' button. Mega Player will remove all files that come from that folder.


Adding one file to the play list

To add one file to the play list click the 'Add' button. Choose the file you want to add to the play list and then click 'OK'. Mega Player will add the file to the play list.


Removing one file from the play list

Click the file you want to remove and then click the 'Remove' button. The file will be removed from the play list.


Click here to go to the next chapter: 'Arranging files in a play list'